World Alliance Forum in San Francisco (WAFSF)
This organization needed a new website built and an entire social media and e-newsletter campaign launched to drive people to buy tickets to their annual World Alliance Forum in San Francisco (WAFSF) Fall Conference. With a limited budget, I built them a WordPress site, created social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest), and designed and launched over 250 e-newsletter campaigns (total reach of about 28,000). With no other form of advertising, we exceeded the client expectation of 2,000 new visitors to the new site in the 5 months leading up to the Conference (actual number of visitors was almost 5,000) and with the help of the social media campaigns we spread awareness of the organization and managed to outsell the Conference from the previous year. Please visit my testimonial page for a review of MPP’s work on this project.
Below is a series of screenshots of some of the pages from the site that I built. As sometimes happens, the Executive Director who hired me for the project moved on and the staff at WAFSF no longer had the funds for my services but did not have the technical know-how to maintain the site themselves. They have since built a very simple site so this one, unfortunately, no longer exists.