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Dancer, 1991, oil on canvas, 48 x 24 inches

Yellow Tear, 1994, oil on canvas, 44 x 22 inches

Yannis, 1996, oil on paper, 19 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches

Future Exhibitions

James Dowell: Portraits, Landscapes, and Still Lifes
May 15–July 20, 2003

Matrix, 1994, oil on canvas, 50 x 102 inches

James Dowell: Portraits, Landscapes, and Still Lifes. The rich, imaginative paintings of James Dowell were exhibited at the Museum from May 15 to July 20, 2003. Dowell, who received his BFA from Southern Methodist University in 1972 and MA and MFA degrees from the University of Iowa in 1973 and 1974, was born and raised in Texas. Over the past 25 years, he has divided his time between New York City and Dallas and has just recently been featured in a one-person exhibition of his portraits at the McKinney Avenue Contemporary (the "MAC") in Dallas.

Included in this exhibition were still lifes and portraits dating from 1991 through 2002. Prominent among his still life works are gourds, fabrics, elk horns, exotic plants, and a variety of objects tinged with otherness. His portraits, in contrast, feature his friends and acquaintances. The exhibition also featured Standing Figure (1996), a construction piece relating to his still life paintings.

Dowell's still life paintings are sophisticated in their composition and technical expertise. He uses deep, saturated colors which add to an atmosphere of mystery. The objects he chooses as his subjects also hint at hidden meanings and autobiographical narratives. The overall effect of Dowell's still lifes can be compared to the haunting works of the 17th century Spanish still life painter Juan Sánchez Cotán.

In contrast, his more recent works—the portraits—are bold, expressionist representations of individuals who have a special connection with the artist. Several Texans involved in the art world were portrayed in the group selected for Tyler. Many will have recognized Murray Smither, Paul Harris, Roger Winter, and Tom Sime, along with the artist's self-portrait.

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