1960 Beckmann Memorial Scholarship, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
1961 MFA, University of Iowa, Iowa City
1958 BFA, University of Texas, Austin
2002 Pillsbury and Peters Fine Art, Dallas, Texas
2001 Biddeford Pool Fine Art, Biddeford Pool, Maine (May)
2000 Edith Baker Gallery, Dallas Texas Artists' Gallery, San Antonio, Texas
1998 Edith Baker Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Fishbach Gallery, New York, New York
1997 Art Gallery, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas
1996 Maine College of Art, Baxter Gallery, Portland, Maine Maine Coast Artists, Rockport, Maine Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, South Carolina El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas The McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, Texas
1992 Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1989 Fischbach Gallery, New York (January) Fischbach Gallery, New York (November)
1986 Fischbach Gallery, New York
1984 Fischbach Gallery, New York
1981 Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1979 University Gallery, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1978 Waco Art Center, Waco, Texas
1977 Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1976 Longview Museum and Art Center, Longview, Texas
1973 Smither Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1968 Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, Lousisiana Owen Fine Arts Center, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1967 Witte Memorial museum, San Antonio, Texas
1965 Haydon Dalhoun Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1963 Atelier Chapman Kelly, Dallas, Texas
2001 On the Edge; Contemporary Art from the Permanent
Collection. El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas
Art in Embassies; Managua, Nicaragua
"A Painter's Texas", The Hunt Gallery, San Antonio
Group Show, Biddeford Pool Fine Art, Biddeford Pool, ME
2000 Y2$. Fishbach Gallery, New York
Animals in Art; Bates Museum, Henkley, Maine
Outward Bound, Meridian Corporation, Washington DC
1998 Behold, Narrative Visions; 55 Mercer Gallery, New York, New York
1997 Self-Portraits: Up Close and Personal; Edith Baker Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Maine Light; American Embassy, Santiago, Chile
1995 Animals, Animals; Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York
1994 The Surreal Landscape; Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts, Flushing, New York
Artists Choose Artist; Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts, Flushing, New York
1993 Looking at the Land, Maine Coast Artists, Rockport, Maine
1992 Summer Show; Fishbach Gallery, New York Contemporary Print: The Peregrine Press Archives; Exhibits USA; Traveling
1991 Prints from the Peregrine Press Archives; Stephen F. Austin University, Nocodoches, Texas
Texas Artists, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1990 American Art Today: The City; The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, Florida
1989 Prints from the Peregrine Press Archives; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas
Prints from the Peregrine Press Archives; Tyler Museum, Tyler,
51 Artists and 8 Years Later; Peregrine Gallery, Dallas, Texas
NEA Mid-America Biennial; Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri
1988 Landscapes; Haggar Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas
City Life; City Faire, Rotunda, Texas Commerce Tower, Dallas, Texas
The Figure; Haggar Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas
Habitat; Peregrine Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Works from the Crescent Collection; The Crescent Gallery, Dallas, Texas
City Places, City Place, Dallas, Texas
1987 Eight Texas Realist Painters; Frito-Lay, Inc., Plano, Texas
1986 Texas Landscapes 1900-86; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
Landscape Painting; Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Summer Edition; Fischbach Gallery, New York
1985 Summer Show; Fischbach Gallery, New York
1984 New Published Prints; Peregrine Gallery, Dallas, Texas
Gateway Gallery Experience; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
America Seen; Adams-Middleton Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1983 Fun and Games; Waco Arts Center, Waco, Texas.
1982 International Art Fair; Navy Pier Chicago, Illinois Delahunty Gallery, New York
Hearts and Flowers; Waco Arts Center, Waco, Texas
1981 International Art Fair; Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois
1980 International Art Fair; Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois
1979 Fire, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas A Closer Look, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas Fifteen from Dallas, Waco Arts Center, Waco, Texas
Texas Drawings, Elmia College, Elmira, New York
1976 Texas Painting and Sculpture Exhibition, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1974 Five Texas Painters, Owens Fine Arts Center, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Visions of the City: Paintings commissioned by the Dallas
Museum of Art for D Magazine, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas,
Texas Permanent Collection of the University of St. Thomas, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.
1972 Annual Exhibition of Southwest American Art, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Southwest Painting and Drawing Show, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1971 One at a Time, Pollack Gallery, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1970 Texas Painting and Sculpture, 20th Century, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1969 Annual Invitational, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1968 Texas Painting and Sculpture, Dallas, Texas
1967 Artists of the Southeast and Texas, New Orleans, Louisianna; Juror: Robert Doty
1966 Texas Painting and Sculpture, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas; Juror: Richard Diebenkorn
1964 Dallas County Annual, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas; Juror: Sam Hunter
1963 Texas Annual, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1962 Annual Exhibition of Southwest American Art, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Oklahoma; Juror: Dorothy Miller
Fort Worth Annual, Fort Worth Arts Center, Fort Worth, Texas
1999 Outward Bound: American Art at the Brink of the 20th Century (exh. cat.) Washington D.C.: Meridian International Center
1998 John Driscoll and Arnold Skolnick, The Artists and the American Landscape (Chesterfield, MA: Chamelion Books).
Janet Kutner, "Roger Winter at Edith Baker," Dallas Morning News,7/4.
Christine Reese, "Roger Winter," Dallas Observer, 7/1.
Suzanne Akhtar, "Latitudes North & South - Sometimes
On the Same Canvas," Fort Worth Star Telegram, 6/28.
1996 Roger Winter (exh. cat.); David Kherdian and Jennifer Gross; Baxter Gallery, Portland, Maine.
Philip Isaacson, "Well-timed, it's Winter on Winter," Maine Sunday
Telegram, 1/28.
Scott Sutherland, "Welliver and Winter," Casco Bay
Weekly,Greater Portland's Weekly Journal, 2/8.
Haines Sprunt Tate, "Winter's Paintings Full of Oblique
Drama and Dreams," Maine Times, 2/8.
Janet Kutner, "Cold climate life shows up in artist's Work," Dallas Morning News, 11/15
Charles Dee Mitchell, "Stark Trek," Dallas Morning News 12/16.
1992 Eugene Binder, "Roger Winter, Recent Paintings and Drawings," (exh. cat.), Eugene Binder Gallery Dallas, Texas
Grace Glueck, "New York, The Painted City," Gibb-Smith, Publisher.
Janet Kutner, "Teacher Takes a New Course: Roger Winter Changes his Career, his Home and his Art," Dallas Morning News, 9/27.
1990 "American Art Today: The City," The Art Museum at Florida. International University, Miami, Florida.
1989 "Mid-America Biennial," Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri.
1987 Betsy Dillard Stroud, "Roger Winter," American Artist, July.
1986 Susan Freudenheim, "Art Notes," TexasHomes, December Janet Kutner, "Works by Dallas Artist are on Display in New York," Dallas Morning News, 9/2.
1982 Janet Kutner, "Success Warms Roger Winter," Dallas Morning News, 12/12.
1982 Ginger Wright, "Canvassing the Landscape," Art and Antiques, September.
1981 Bill Marvel, "Portrait: Dallas/Fort Worth," Portfolio, March.
Edtr, "In the Midst of Winter," Dallas Times Herald.
Janet Kutner, "Nature Against Culture," ArtNews, May
Edtr, "Artist Strokes Change Out of his Brush," DallasMorning News, 1/23.
1980 Cole Berkman, "Capturing Texas," The Christian Science Monitor, 3/24.
David Dillion, "Expanding Horizons," TexasHomes, July
1979 Edtr, "Winter Images at Southern Methodist University," D Magazine, September.
Janet Kutner, "Canvas Scenes Record Hues of Changing Artist," Dallas Morning News. 9/13. 1977 Edtr, "Artist Uses Familiar Images as Tools for Experimentation," Dallas Morning News, 6/14. 1972 Edtr, "Childhood Maturity in Winter Display," Dallas Morning News. 3/10 1971 Douglas McAgy, One I at a Time (exh. cat.), Pollack Gallery, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1968 John Neville, "Delgado Exhibit for Winter," Dallas Morning News. 9/6.
1964 John Neville, "A Solid Success for Roger Winter." Dallas Morning News. 11/12.
1988 Mid-American Arts Alliance/NEA Fellowship Award in Painting 1972 Top Award, "Southwest Print and Drawing Show," Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas; Juror: Garo Antresian
1967 Top Award, "Longview Invitational," Longview, Texas. Top Award, "Artists of the Southeast and Texas," New Orleans, Louisianna; Juror: Robert Doty
1964 Top Award, "Dallas County Annual," Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
Award, "Texas Annual," Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas; Juror: Sam Hunter
1962 Top Award, "Annual Exhibition of Southwest American Art," Museum of Art, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Juror: Dorothy Miller Award, "Fort Worth Annual," Fort Worth Art Center, Fort
Worth, Texas; Juror: Hobson Pittman
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
Longview Museum of Art, Longview, Texas
Museum of Fine Arts, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Owens Fine Arts Center, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine
Atlantic Richfield Company, Los Angeles, California
Barrow, Hanley, McWhinney and Strauss, Inc., Dallas, Texas
Belo Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Crescent Collection, Dallas, Texas
Enserch Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Frito-Lay, Dallas, Texas
Haynes and Boone, Dallas, Texas
J.C. Penney National Headquarters, Dallas, Texas
Leede Explorations, Houston, Texas
Mobil Oil Corporation
Mostek Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Oak Cliff Savings and Loan, Dallas, Texas
Reader's Digest, New York
Southland Life Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Southland Trust, Dallas, Texas
Southwest Medical Center of the University of Texas, Dallas, Texas
Southwestern Bell Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri
Texas Commerce Bank, Dallas, Texas
3M Corporation
Tulsa Bank of Commerce, Tulsa , Oklahoma
The Western Company, Fort Worth, Texas
WFAA, Dallas, Texas
Wilson Industries, Houston, Texas
U.S. Trust, Dallas, Texas
John Alberts and Meghan Gerety, San Antonio, Texas
Jeremy Adams and Bonnie Wheeler, Dallas, Texas
Claude and Susan Albritton, Dallas, Texas
Lily Albritton, Dallas, Texas
John Alexander, New York
Edith and Fred baker, Dallas, Texas
Jeff Baker and Michelle Clement, Dallas, Texas
Richard and Nona Barrett, Dallas, Texas
David and Jan Bates, Dallas, Texas
Nancy Berry, Dallas, Texas
Frank and Mary Bernarducci, New York
Eugine Binder, Long Island City, New York
Bud Bishop, Florida
Batty Blake, Dallas, Texas
Sam Boynton, Locust, New Jersey
Sony Burt and Robert Butler, Dallas, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carpenter, Dallas, Texas
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carroll, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Carrozza, Dallas, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. James Cleaver, Dallas, Texas
Linda Cohen, Dallas, Texas
Mary McDermott, Dallas, Texas
Walter and Mary Crain, Houston, Texas
Jane Cullen, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davidson, New York
Mr. and Mrs. William Dillard, Dallas, Texas
Estate of Dr. William Dean, Dallas, Texas
David Durham, Abeline, Texas
June Francis, Dallas, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grimes, Michigan
Barry and Heidi Gealt, Bloomington, Indiana
Tim and Nancy Hanley, Dallas, Texas
Alice Helander, New York
Estate of Jane Heldt, Dallas, Texas
Sally Henry, Dallas, Texas
Rich Hendricks, Virginia
Roger and Carolyn Horchow, Dallas, Texas
Donald Janak, Dallas, Texas
Anwar Karnal, Miami, Florida
Joan and Jack Kickham, Texas
Deborah Humphrey, Dallas, Texas
Gary Knoble, Hartford, Connecticut
Jonathan and Janet Kutner, Dallas, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leede, Midland, Texas
Mrs. S. Lorillard, Far Hills, New Jersey
Dr. and Mrs. Jere Mitchell, Dallas, Texas
Blake Malouf, New York
Don and Diane Malouf, Dallas, Texas
Marc Maderazzo and Janie Cohen, Burlington, Vermont
Robert Mentr, Dallas, Texas
Bruce and Marge Morris, Dallas, Texas
Estate of Douglas MacAgy, Washington, DC
David and Norma MacManaway, Dallas, Texas
Burk and Elise Murchison, Dallas, Texas
Bill and Pamela Nelson, Dallas, Texas
Andrew Kurth, Houston, Texas
Nancy O'Boyle, Dallas, Texas
Cidnee Patrick, Dallas, Texas
James Pratt, Dallas, Texas
Renzy Piman, Dallas, Texas
Stan and Gunnel Ragner, New Glarus, Wisconsin
John and Georgette Rogers, Dallas, Texas
Estate of Marietta Ransone, Dallas, Texas
Mr. John Reoch, Dallas, Texas
Dan and Wendy Rowland, Freedom, Massachusetts
Mr. John Seaman, New York
Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Sevin, Dallas, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Shiels, Dallas, Texas
Bruce and Ethyl Singleton, Dallas, Texas
Murray Smither, Dallas, Texas
Charlotte Squibb, Dallas, Texas
John and Bonnie Strauss, Dallas, Texas
Larry and Elixabeth Scott, Bandera, Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tamis, Armonk, New York
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicolas Thorndike, Boston, Massachusetts
Downing and Major Thomas, Dallas, Texas
Zoe Urbanek, Dallas, Texas
Judy Vetter, Dallas, Texas
Carolyn and Richard Walton, Dallas, Texas
Ann Weary, Medina, Texas
Nancy B. Wellin, New York
Leigh Ann Williams, Dallas, Texas
Kate Willis, Dallas, Texas
Lisa Gordon, Wellesley, Massachusetts
John Wissemann and Nancy Wissemann-Widrig, Southold, New York
Susan and Arthur Tribble, Dallas
Michelle Vobach, New York
Jessie Shelburne, Dallas
Mark Mobley, Dallas
Ted Pillsbury, Dallas
Gary Schleier, Dallas
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kramer, Dallas
Charles and Germaine Field, Heltoes TX
Clyde Biggs, San Antonio
George and Marilyn Danif, Kennebunkport, ME
1997 On Drawing, Second Edition, Collegiate Press
1991 On Drawing, Collegiate Press
1982 Introduction to Drawing, Prentice Hall
2001 Teaching, National Academy of Design, New York NY
2000 Guest Critic, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont
1995 Guest Artist, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
Guest Critic, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Guest Critic, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont
1992 Guest Critic, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont
1991 Guest Critic, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York
1990 Guest Critic, San Antonio Art Institute, San Antonio, Texas
Guest Critic, Drury College, Springfield, Missouri
Guest Critic, Southwest Missouri University, Springfield, Missouri
Guest Critic, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont
Guest Critic, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1989 Guest Critic, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
1963-89 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
1963-69 Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
2001 San Antonio Express
Kennebunkport News, ME
2000 San Antonio Express
2000 Dallas Morning News |